Dutchwriter Travels, is a blog about anything this Dutch writers encounters on his travels around the globe.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
What Is The Difference Between A MLM/Direct Sales Distributor And Traditional Retailer?
MLM hobby or business? Learn how to turn your hobby into a business.
- Test the products first as a consumer
- Invest only what you can
- Advertise massively
- Attend any form of training
- Never work alone, always bring people
Don’t think what they think. How your subconscious mind will uncover you
Friday, July 23, 2010
Poem - Who am I?
That one little tiny dot in the universe.
That particle drifting in the almighty.
Here for just a short while.
And than to disappear, to be never seen again
Who am I?
What am I leaving behind?
My thoughts my changes, my chances.
My life changing opportunities.
Did I help that other one?
Did I change his life, even for the briefest moment?
If so, I am ready to float on, in to the open space.
Absorb me, for who I am.
Travel Guide to Penang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia - Pearl of The West Coast
Once traveling over the
History of
The Sultan of Kedah was convinced by the British captain Sir Francis Light to surrender Pulau Penang (
Pulau Penang or Penang for short (sometimes referred to as
Georgetown booming heart of Pulau Pinang
Hotels And Accommodations in
Accommodation on the island is plentiful, whether one wants to be pampered in a five star hotel or resort or just basic or standard accommodation,
Food of
All over the island quality entertainment can be found, for nightlife the island offers plenty of pubs, clubs and restaurants, we recommend
Culture and Traditions
Pulau Penang’s geographical location brought a wide range of cultures and traditions to the island. The exotic culture is found in many heritage sites open to the public, to list a few; Kek Lok Si Temple, Fort Cornwallis, Dharmikarama Burmese Temple, Acheen Street Malay Mosque, City hall, Khoo Kongsi temple Complex, Kapitan Keling Mosque, Little India, The State Mosque, St. Anne’s Church and Victoria Memorial Clock Tower. Exploring the island the toursit will understand there are many more to be to discovered.
Recreation in
However a large part of the island is changed into housing and industrial estates, Pulau Penang offers a wide range of fascinating natural attractions.
Museums on Pulau Pinang
If museums and galleries are preferred,
Getting to
Whether travelling by road, rail, sea or air,
Pulau Penang, an exciting island with enough entertainment and leisure activities for every traveler. Tourists will go home, satisfied and with lots of stories and pretty pictures.
Poem - No, Not Today
No, not today.
I am not ready, not here to receive.
Come back another time
My door is open but not today.
Does he understand? But it is my decision.
No not today, can I not choose for that moment.
It’s ok to say no, not today.
Why is he pushing me today?
What about me?
If I don’t say it today, I won’t say it tomorrow.
No, not today.
The Many Flavors of Kuala Lumpur - Sensations For The Palate
Whether one is looking for cheap and inexpensive dishes or in search of fine dining adventures,
Malaysia’s Food Obsession
Malaysians love to eat outside, either in well air-conditioned restaurants, mamak stalls, food courts or road side hawkers.
Lets look at the basics first, most Malaysians love to feed themselves on a high carbo based breakfast, which are mostly taken between 8.00 am and 10.00 am. Most favorite dishes are; nasi lemak which is a form of sticky rice with mild to hot sambal, roti Chennai little fluffy pancakes eaten with a curry or Mee Goreng which is a noodle dish. Most people arrive first at work and then go for their breakfast.
Lunch is taken at 1.00 pm, the moment the whole nation goes for lunch, we advise to avoid this time for lunch, unless one loves crowds and waiting in line. Nasi Champur (rice with mixed dishes) is definitely a most favorable dish.
High tea and a coffee break at 4pm, is part of the working day routine. Most people will consume their beloved Kuih, a variety of sweet or deep fried snacks and wash it down with a Tea-O or Kopi the local variety of milky tea or coffee.
For dinner there is no set time, and Malaysians love supper, a last meal of the day around midnight shared with friends preferable at a local coffee shop
When talking about food in
Kuala Lumpur Restaurants
Starhill Gallery – The cluster of restaurants in the basements breaths a welcoming atmosphere once decending down the escalator. Up class dining in a candle light ambiance with soft live jazz music in the back ground, a great place to unwind the day.
Pavilion Shopping Complex – More than fifty high end and mid class restaurants can be found at The Pavilion. The up class food court in the basement is a real treat. The Pavilion is a true paradise for the palate, and a fabulous venue to start the day or evening.
KLCC Suria – On all floors of this immense mall in between the Petronas towers, nourishment for the inner body can be found, a wide range from fast food and budget restaurants to seriously chic establishments can be found here. A visit to the food courts are good value for money.
All 5 star
Fast Food in
All the world renowned fast food brands are found on any corner in the city and on every floor of every mall.
Outside of
When Scuba Diving, When Does Your Buddy Check Start?

During one of our trips to foreign dive sites we meet sometimes brilliant people.
This tale will take you to the year 2003 in Northern Spain to a little fishing village called L’Estartit not to far from
I want you to meet my diving buddy Patrice; he was a bit of a weird Frenchmen, old tatty shoes, blue jeans, very colorful knitted sweater, an even more colorful scarf around his neck and wearing a pink cap. He must have been in his mid forties, bold on his forehead and long curly brown hear, nearsighted minus 11 on both eyes. He looked funny, but he also was very funny, and full of life. We had some incredible laughs together.
Risking Traffic
One day we needed to go to the shops for some groceries and he offered me a ride in his old banger. Driving through L’Estartit on the main road you will find huge ditches in the road to drain the water running from the mountains when it rains. Every time I warned him there was one coming up in front of us, he looked at me, while testing his shock absorbers. We flew from left to right, and I was hanging on to anything I could put my hands on
Then the look on his face changed in “oohw, this is what you meant “. When I warned him for the roundabout (big roundabout, with an even larger statue in the center), he missed the statue by an inch, and the roundabout completely.
First Dry Suit Dive
First time we met was the day before, on a dive boat. At the end of the day I heared he tested his dry suit for the very first time. Never in the pool, straight down to 22 meters. The dive was a disaster, from the tails he told us. I don’t have to explain which risks he took on a test dive like that.
Taking the Plunge
My own buddy did not feel well that day, when I turned up at the jetty on the sunny morning of my second diving day. Patrice was already waiting for me, waiving when my car was close enough for him to recognize it. He noticed I was using a dry suit, and asked me to team up with him to show him some tricks of the trade. We agreed on half an hour in shallow water, and then progressively take it a bit deeper on his second dry suit dive.
While I was kitting up I started explaining some techniques. Here I noticed that his eyesight was even worse then I thought. His nose was on my pressure dump valve to recognize what I was doing to it. You might be laughing but remember I went to the shops with this guy driving through a busy tourist area. He convinced me, he was an
experienced three star diver with CMAS and I did not have to worry a thing. I was not convinced, but more then aware.
Let’s Go Diving
The boat moored in one of the little bays around one of the islands of the Isles Mides. I’m all dressed up and ready to go. Hanging back on a bench and enjoying the morning sunshine. During my kitting up I always watch my buddy kit up. This for two reasons, one - to see if he is competent with his equipment, and two - I can help him when he needs me. I could see that Patrice was very competent in handling his dive kit. He had a bit of a struggle to get into the dry suit, but he managed to pull the seals over hands and head. I helped him with the zip. He tested the suit by putting lots of air in it, all was working fine I saw him putting on his weight belt, and going for his fins. He could not reach his fins (to much air in the suit), he cleared the weight belt and drops it behind him while he was still sitting on the bench. I stood up and walked to the back of the boat. The captain would let us as the most experienced divers go in last, and was taking care of some new students while I watched. The captain shouted to a group of Germans beginners, GO GO GO! I look at my friend Patrice, he responded to the captain’s voice, dropped his fins. Straitened himself, walked past me and jumped into the water. I was too stunned to stop him.
What was going through this guys mind, at that moment?
Like Bob the Buoy
The moment he hit the water, all the air in his suit was around his neck, and without his fins or weight belt he had no change of going anywhere. He looked like a big mooring ball with a funny smiling face. This facial expression, I will never forget. I threw a float with a line at him and pulled him back to the boat.
When he climbed the ladder, we could not resist to laugh with him. Tears we’re rolling down our cheeks. Even the captain, who never spared a laugh, walked away with a large grin from behind his moustache.
I will spare you the rest of the dive details, but I abandoned the dive after 25 minutes.
Later over a beer, he explained that his eyesight did not allow him to oversee the whole picture and he responded to the captain, as he thought it was time to go.
See the big picture?
Buddy check starts when you walk onto the boat, until you enter the water together.
Asia learn to say; “no…”.

Some countries are getting better and better, but some habits are imbedded in ancient old cultures and no one seems to care or worry about them anymore. But when arriving from the west, some of these old habits are part of the culture shock. Asians are adapting to western lifestyles and most countries are slowly changing and understanding that not everything they see as normal, is very polite to others.
There is another type of rudeness. A rudeness which is unprofessional, does not help trade, friendships or the community. And it’s the habit of not being able to say: “no”.
Asian public lives from excuse to excuse. They make up one excuse to cover the previous one. So called white lies are daily practice. No matter in which country you are around the Asian continent it’s everywhere the same protocol.
Coming on Time for Appointments
Coming on time at a preset appointment is professional. Coming late is normally accepted in
No message for cancellation
As a business man, one books his appointments well in time to make the business grow and try to book as many appointments in the day, taking in consideration, travel times, lunch and coffee breaks. But booking the appointment list too full, puts you under stress from the moment you look at your schedule. Better is to have lesser appointments on the day, and have the freedom to travel, have lunch leisurely. Able to get to your appointments on time, and you might even have time to prepare your meeting better, and visualize the appointment and the objectives. Being relaxed sells more products. If you really can not make it, no problem, but cancel well in advance so you are not wasting the other parties time and you can be professional about a reschedule of your planned appointment. Learn to say; “no, I am sorry I can not make our appointment today, let’s reschedule for next week”.
Saying yes, but meaning no
Often we walk out of a meeting and both parties agree to contact in a few days.
How rude is it to not answer that expected call? Often calls are not answered when the other party already decided not to go ahead with the agreement. More professional would be that you either answer the call and just say “no, I am sorry we are not interested”. Not picking up a phone call is very unprofessional and rude. Learn to say; “no, we do not take you up on your offer”.
Communication is the key to every business deal. It makes live easier, more pleasant and reduces stress. An open communication will leave the door open for future contacts. You never know when your contact might become important in the very near future.