It is a universal question; “Was the big bang really the beginning of the evolution of the universe as we know it? Is the big bang theory really the start of everything? Or were there many Big Bangs before the Big Bang?”
Energy can’t be created nor can it be destroyed, this law of physics.
Where did the energy come from to make the Big Bang go “bang”?
Generation after generation must have asked the same questions. Who are we? Where do we come from? Where we are going? Why are we here?
Lots of questions that have kept us busy for many centuries and millennia. It seems that even with all the technology available, science is not able to give a conclusive answer.
Studies of physics have proven that the universe consists of two guaranteed constants, positives energies and spaces, and negatives energies and spaces. Other studies show that there is a third factor in the dimension of space, the dimension of time. But even in time we have positive time (time in the future) and negative time (time in the past) But looking at the core facts, this third force also could only exist of positives or negatives working onto the two constants in the first dimension. Basically positives and negatives make the universe tick.
Where positives and negatives meet is the moment of equilibrium, the moment of now.
Energy is Everything, Energy is Nothing
If everything in the universe is energy, then approximately one half of the elements are positive polarized and approximately the other half negative. From the smallest particle to the largest, they all consist of various forms of energy. Some particles attracting one another and others repelling each other. Start of the law of attraction, the most powerful law of the universe.
If we look at the smallest element available in the universe we end up at tiny electrical energized parts which evolve around one center. If we look at the largest matter in the universe it does exactly the same. It always evolves around a larger object.
Linear never makes sense; there is always a deviation, which means that any straight line will end up at its starting point. Deviations must be caused by unbalancing effects, caused by energies. Seeing the bigger picture, this means that anything and everything evolves around something, big or small.
Where are we going?
We will be going in circles forever, evolving around other objects. Only time will tell us where we are going.
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