Sunday, July 25, 2010

MLM hobby or business? Learn how to turn your hobby into a business.

Most people see MLM as a hobby. Most people involved also end up having a hobby income. But MLM, Network Marketing or Direct Sales, is a business, a serious business, and only when a MLM entrepreneur starts treating it that way, the serious income will come.

Most of the time people get introduced through a person active in MLM, inviting them for a meeting. During the meeting a hype is created, a hype about the products and why we all need the products. A hype about the company, and why we all need the company. Some presentations are so good, that even when the products are not up to standard, the stories will get people excited.

The Pay-Out Plan
Then the pay plan is introduced. People get even more excited when they hear the various incomes. You are in, you are sold, point of no return. You are not letting your friend down. So, when excited after a meeting, there is a good possibility that the next morning you wake up and you start to think (the excitement has sunk away) “who am I going to sell these products to?” You are not motivated, you have too many products to sell. And who are you going to ask, family, friends, colleagues? Your sponsor has already asked you to make a list of people you know. He told you there are at least 200 people you know personally as a friend. You are too embarrassed to put even ten names on a piece of paper. And you know these ten names will buy from you. They trust you and like you and will help you. But can you build a sustainable business on these ten names. The answer is NO.

How to Start With MLM
We offer insight on how to start, how to handle and to think before you start. Otherwise keeping the money in your pocket and have a great day with the family. If MLM is seen as a hobby, man will not succeed and after a while they will be an experience richer, and some dollars lighter. Think before you act. MLM is a business, and not the easiest one to start. But the rewards can be incredible, and even for unschooled people an opportunity to reach financial independence. Skills needed for any type of business, stamina, determination and discipline this will bring you the promised rewards.

Love the products, because they will bring the income desired. Use the products, as there are no better testimonials then your own. Love the company, as they are the ones working with you to build a bright future.

  • Test the products first as a consumer
  • Invest only what you can
  • Advertise massively
  • Attend any form of training
  • Never work alone, always bring people

Quote: George Foreman
"The question isn't at what age I want to retire, it's at what income."

Author - Frank Amptmeijer

Franklin-Paul Blake

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